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Gay Matchmaking: It’s Never too Late to Find Love

by Tammy Shaklee, Relationship Expert and H4M FounderJuly 26, 2017
Gay Matchmaking: It’s Never too Late to Find Love

Too many times, in the last five years, I have talked to an eligible gay single, who told me, “I had just given up on finding someone. I assumed I would be alone forever.” In the past, they once had love, but gave up on finding a new version of it that might look or feel a bit different (than when filled with lust as a younger college student, for example).

Others have never truly opened their heart to having a special someone to experience life’s milestones. Most admit they prioritized their education and career over finding a significant other. Being the best and brightest at an expertise that placed them among the top in their industry, company or paygrade—based on their talents, skills and dedication—helped to fill this void.

And then there’s the prioritization of seeing and experiencing the world. Gay singles are the most traveled individuals in the world, I have to assume. Their top travel destinations populate our database like a world globe several times over. It’s impressive. I have only one client without a passport and his first assignment from me was to obtain one because he will likely meet a man to travel with internationally. He’s one of my only clients who did not express his regret that he’s never had a partner to take on fabulous trips.

As a certified matchmaker, I believe it’s my job to remind all singles there can be more in life. The time is now to explore inviting a compatible partner to share life’s journey with you.

In addition, we talk to those who have lost loves, partners, parents and dear friends. Life happens to all of us and it’s something we can’t control. My husband often reminds me to keep perspective and not worry over things out of my control. But when it comes to finding true companionship and ultimately a relationship or partnership, there are steps we can take to search for “the one.”

The time is now. It’s never too late.

I work with many matchmaking clients who are ready to find their person. At any age, education or income level—even when there may be a hint of hesitation. It’s what I do. We want every single to find compatibility that can lead to love. We all know inspiring couples and it’s important to believe you can be part of one too.

I myself have had a devastating failed relationship in the past which could have turned me away from finding love again. On the evening of closing on my new home in Austin to start my life over, I remember standing in that house and feeling overwhelmingly alone. This was the catalyst I needed to take action in finding love again. For me, I chose to hire a matchmaker.

Today, I’m glad I didn’t wait a moment longer. If you even have an inkling of wanting to take action, let us help. Even a simple phone call with us can be the turning point you need. We hear this constantly.

I often say, “I’m not shopping for clients, I’m shopping for spouses and the really good news is, you don’t have to be my client to meet my client.”

It’s the heat of summer. It’s a hot time to talk to the Gay Matchmaker. One call could literally change your life. I know it changed mine.

For more information on traditional introductions, courting, and dating for today’s modern gay single, contact H4M—the offline, personal matchmaking service designed exclusively for those seeking a long-term relationship. You can also follow our Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter for inspiration on finding love. #loveislove
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"I had great time, nice French restaurant. We talked, enjoyed several hours together with wine and a nice kiss."- Bachelorette, California, 50
Philosophy #9

There are other quality singles just like you—I meet them every week.

- Tammy Shaklee