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Greetings Gentlemen

by Tammy Shaklee, Relationship Expert and H4M FounderAugust 24, 2012
Men shaking hands

I dream of saying to future clients, "You have a gentleman caller."

Not the kind from The Glass Menagerie, that makes you swoon, then breaks your heart.  But the kind of gentleman that in 1900 would nervously turn the small brass knob on the door bell in the center of the door of our historic home in Austin.  I picture the home's mother anxiously answering the door, and inviting the over-starched and slightly perspiring "Dapper Dan" to step inside, out of the evening sun.  He removes his hat, slightly bows his head to greet the home's grandmother inside the front parlor, as she nods back and continues her needlepoint.  He nervously sighs, awaiting further instruction.  The mother invites him to sit right inside the door on the one small parlor chair that sits just opposite of the home's built-in courting bench.

The bench was constructed so beautifully by the home's builder, to fit cleverly under the entry way's grand staircase. The hand milled, Bastrop long leaf pine bench was given a place of prominence, right inside the door, with its own stained glass window that opened to the west.  It allowed for the evening's sun to shine through the diamond-shaped panes and cast a cool, lovely glow on to the home's singleton being courted.  It provided a picturesque setting of beautiful colors before the conversation ever began.

But in my story, the home's single, eligible, and available heir being called downstairs to sit and visit with our gentleman caller....is a handsomely dressed gentleman himself.

Because in my story, two gentlemen have been given the opportunity of a proper and respectful introduction.  They have been given the dignity to formally meet and get to know each other.  To talk about their interests, hobbies, careers, travels, families, histories, goals, and dreams.  They are soon to learn how much they have in common, how much they enjoy each other's company, and how refreshing it is to have a safe, secure, and traditional courtship.

That was my dream when I began designing the company, He's For Me.

In today’s face-paced and technology-masked world, men often say they want a dating service to serve as a filter. Can we be assured the person is not a stalker, doesn’t have extreme baggage, major issues, and that they are who they say they are?  We’ve all learned that online, anyone can be who they want to be, and not necessarily who they truly are.  In the bars, especially after a few adult beverages, a person can tell you anything they think you want to hear.  And with the latest fad, the GPS app.  Well, just because they are in the room, doesn’t mean they have goals and a plan for the future that you are seeking.

My husband and I are a success story of being set up on a blind date to meet for lunch.  But when we found a long-term relationship through matchmaking, we realized our gay, professional friends didn't have the same opportunity.  I had a dream.  And now I've made it come true.  Welcome...to...He's For Me.  I plan to introduce you to your gentleman caller soon.  It will be a simple introduction for lunch, or for a glass of wine after work.  There will be a filter, there will be etiquette, appropriateness, and professionalism.  And he just may be the one.

For more information on traditional introductions, courting, and dating for today’s modern gay single, contact H4M—the offline, personal matchmaking service designed exclusively for those seeking a long-term relationship. You can also follow our Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter for inspiration on finding love. #loveislove
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