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I Do. I Did.

by Tammy Shaklee, Relationship Expert and H4M FounderOctober 23, 2012

I do.

I did.  I did it!  And I wouldn’t tell you that you can, unless I had.  You have to believe.

Opening your heart and mind to finding the right one for you is in large part…..attitude.  When my matchmaker called me to set me up on yet another introductory date, I believed her when she said, “He is perfect for you.”

My matchmaker had really gotten to know what I was looking for in a lifetime partner.  I was specific.  I knew exactly what attracted me, what didn’t, and what were my “deal breakers.”  I could be so specific because I had practiced dating for yearsssss.  With one failed 7-year marriage under my belt, I had two rousing rounds of being single and a habitual dater.

When I wrote the check to invest in my love life, and hire my own offline, personal, and private matchmaker, I truly believed this was the answer in finding a long-term relationship.  My head, heart, soul, and spirit were dedicated to this working.  I was willing to turn my dating over to a professional.

Now, don’t get me wrong.  While I’m forever the ultimate optimist, I too had some negative head talk and a sinking spell or two.  But, again, I had someone to talk to that understood me, and was working on my behalf to find my Mr. Right.  I wasn’t in this alone.  I had a “love agent” out there working on my behalf.  And so did he.

In the archived files of that dating service, I know our preferences are still penciled in my matchmaker’s handwriting, in each of our files.  And I know now the words must still seem as silly today as the day I asked her to write this down:  “…and my final criteria?  He must own his own tuxedo.”  It told me he was an adult, knew how to put one on (so I didn’t have to raise him), could be ready in 30 minutes if I chose to take him to my charity’s gala, and clearly attended events which required one (which we all know is an indicator).

Two and a half years after that introductory date, we married on a beach on St. Lucia.  He wore that very tuxedo (as we then waded into the ocean to “ruin the dress and the tux.”)

But the best part…..was finding the letter I had written to him before I ever even met him.  That’s right, the day I created a manila folder for  filing my copy of the matchmaking contract, I also wrote and filed a letter I had written to my future Mr. Right.

I look forward to sharing it next…

For more information on traditional introductions, courting, and dating for today’s modern gay single, contact H4M—the offline, personal matchmaking service designed exclusively for those seeking a long-term relationship. You can also follow our Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter for inspiration on finding love. #loveislove
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