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Invest in Yourself for the New Year

by Tammy Shaklee, Relationship Expert and H4M FounderDecember 31, 2013
Man contemplating outdoors

Gentlemen, you do not need to be a millionaire or a celebrity to invest in yourself in 2014.  Each week, as we interview eligible gay men seeking a long-term relationship, we seek to find the good in each man.  Those true and unique qualities, values, and characteristics that make him the perfect man for someone.  Each man is seeking his special someone.  We are seeking only clients who believe in love.  If you question whether you are worthy or capable of finding the perfect man for you, we’re here to help, to encourage, to remind you that there is someone for everyone.  And we’ll have you on your first match in a couple of weeks.

I, too, once questioned if I would ever again find my true love. I had met and married a good guy the first time. But this time, I was hoping to find a man that loved me back.  There.  I said it.  You’re not the only one that loved and lost.  We all have our tales of love, romance, desire, and even lust. As a straight ally who founded a gay-centric romance business, I’ve been asked three times of late, “What happened to you that you started this gay matchmaking business?”  My answer?  Nothing in particular, other than I believe #loveislove.  I don’t think anyone should “grow older” alone.  When I learned gay men couldn’t hire the same matchmaking service I did, I decided to do the research and design a company that only serves gay men.  They deserve the love I found.  If no one else would help them, I would step forward and lead the way.

In 2006, I made the conscious decision to prioritize my love life and invest in myself.  I certainly wasn’t wealthy, but I was a dedicated professional and made safe decisions regarding my disposable income.  So when deciding to hire an offline, personal matchmaker, I made some sacrifices.  Hardly anyone believes me when I tell them that I did away with cable and the Internet at home. I quit going on girls’ nights out.  I believed in love, and I wanted to get ready to meet the perfect man for me.  After work, I rode my bike instead of getting online to write on some dating site “I like to ride bikes.”  I actually did the hobbies instead of listing them.  I wanted to be fit, fun, and active for my future man.  I wanted to get ready to find the one.

So I ask you. How much time and money did you spend in 2013 trying to find a quality man wanting a long-term relationship?  And how many years have you done it your way with mixed or no results?  Now I challenge you to consider another way of doing things.  Interview with a matchmaker.  Schedule an appointment and let’s talk about love and what you are looking for in the perfect man for you.  Already we have a record number of clients starting in January 2014.  Men are making a change.  We’d love to include you among the ranks of the quality men truly seeking love.

For more information on traditional introductions, courting, and dating for today’s modern gay single, contact H4M—the offline, personal matchmaking service designed exclusively for those seeking a long-term relationship. You can also follow our Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter for inspiration on finding love. #loveislove
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Philosophy #5

Offline matchmaking requires human interaction and compatibility based on key values and personal qualities.